compact wql syntax+example
{"name": "Lewis Hoffman"}
Lewis Hoffman
{"type": "Fruit"}
{"content": "Kiwi"}
{"type":"Fruit", "content": "Kiwi"}
{"content": ["eq", "Kiwi"] }
:eq Kiwi
{"content": ["=", "Kiwi"] }
:= Kiwi
{"type": ["in", "Release", "Point Releases"] }
(type:[in Release, Point Release])
<[Release, Point Releases]>
{"content": ["match", "Matt"] }
{"refer_to": "John Abbe"}
(refer_to:"John Abbe")
-> John Abbe
{"referred_to_by": "John Abbe"}
<- John Abbe
{"link_to": "John Abbe"}
_> John Abbe
# link, include, reference: _>, =>, ->
# (reference includes both, thus double line)
{"part": "website"}
# haven't used this one much, it don't need no shortcut
{"right": "email"}
{"left": "email"}
# this (condition)+(condition) syntax implies you must always specify left and right together in a pair. use the wildcard to say "no conditions", otherwise it will assume _self.
{"right_plus": "email"}
{"left_plus": "email"}
;+email || ;email+
# ';' creates a special context where the '+' operator may only specify one side, and the other side is assumed to refer to card that would be returned by the condition. if we use '_this' to stand in for the "other" side, a fully explicit version might be like this:
{"right_plus": "email"}
{"left_plus": "email"}
# having to specify the condition twice and join with || to do plus is admittedly a bit of a pain. however I actually 'want' the language to reflect that we're doing twice as much work on the backend in this case.
{"type": "User", "not": {"plus": "nerdy nickname"}}
<User>;!+nerdy nickname;!nerdy nickname+
# here ;! needs to be a special operator.
# if it were a generic !, then it would have to be:
<User>!;+nerdy nickname,!;nerdy nickname+
{"type": "User", "sort": "name", "dir": "desc", "limit": 8}
# ha! if only I could figure out the keyboard shortcuts for unicode this would be cool.
{"left":{"found_by":"_self+pattern for action"},"right":"also send to"}
(↵+pattern for action)+also sent to
# the unicode is the pretty way to do this but we might want an easier to type substitute
(<..self+pattern for action)+also sent to
{"type":"committee", "plus":["chair",{"refer_to":"_self"}]}
"found_by":"_self+action email committee members",
"and":{"found_by":"_self+action email legislators"}
↵+action email committee members || ↵+action email legislators
"right":"send to"}
<- (↵+pattern_for_action)+sent to
# parens omitted as '+' has higher precedence/binding than '<-'
{"referred_to_by":{"left":"_self", "right":"Action Pattern"}}
<- +Action Pattern
{ "referred_to_by":
"right":"action pattern"
"right_plus":["action type",{"refer_to":"testimony"}]
<Stakeholder> <- ( <= ( <- ((<- (( <-
((+action pattern;+action type->testimony)+bill))+committee)))))
# hmm... So, in this giant case I'm not sure I can claim this is a lot more understandable.
# but it is a *lot* shorter! haha