On my Wagn, there's a "self-care+serves" Pointer with "Increased basic trust" in it. http://johnabbe.wagn.org/Advanced_Search finds "self-care", as does http://johnabbe.wagn.org/wagn/foo%2B*right%2B*content , but http://johnabbe.wagn.org/wagn/served_by%2B*right%2B*content does not. All three contain exactly the same WQL.


(The goal is for the latter to be of general use, by replacing "Increased basic trust" with "_self". If you do that, http://johnabbe.wagn.org/wagn/Increased_basic_trust+served_by also does not find "self-care", although the counter-example http://johnabbe.wagn.org/wagn/Increased_basic_trust+bar does.)