don't let trashed plus cards block renaming





Support Ticket

renaming fails on duplicate key value+status
renaming fails on duplicate key value+tag

I saw the "revisions" feature, where Ethan suggested that shoud be the name of what is currently history. So I deleted revisions, then tried to rename Changes tab, and got an App error. Hoptoad says, ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PGError: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "cards_key_uniq" : UPDATE "cards" SET name=E'revisions+description', "key"=E'revision+description' WHERE (id = 6347)


While we're on it, I think "history" would make a better name for this - less geeky, same term used by MediaWiki.


Afterward, change back to

Also, I was a bit hasty in this. Some of the cards that will be updated will read funny as "revisions" or "history", so make sure you check them before renaming, or leave it for me to do once the obstacle seems to be solved.

  --John Abbe.....Sat Jan 08 19:56:45 -0800 2011

I don't think we want to rename the Changes tab docs until we've renamed the tab, right?


that error is because a card in trash named 'revision+description' is blocking the rename. sigh.

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Sat Jan 15 00:01:59 -0800 2011

You had already created the "revisions" card, so I thought that meant you wanted to go ahead and rename the docs. I'm fine with leaving it at history for now.

  --John Abbe.....Sun Jan 16 23:32:55 -0800 2011

So, do I ticket make deletion work even with duplicate key value or make renaming work even with duplicate key value or...?

  --John Abbe.....Sun Jan 16 23:34:43 -0800 2011

how about don't let trashed plus cards block renaming

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Mon Jan 17 10:44:43 -0800 2011

is deleting actually failing? or just renaming? I get what's going wrong with renaming (the error posted is clearly from a renaming). Don't understand deletion issue, if there is one.

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Mon Jan 17 10:46:06 -0800 2011

Don't know where I got deletion from.

  --John Abbe.....Wed Jan 19 13:37:54 -0800 2011

Work. Closing.

  --John Abbe.....Wed Feb 01 17:02:10 -0800 2012