don't search content of hard-formatted cards
also see stop searching content of hard-formatted cards (duplicate, which I closed)
This search:
Matt Scilipoti
Matt Wolverton
find Matt within content
Error when changing formatted cardtype card
Migrate existing data when formatting existing cards
Cardtype cardtype formatting
Permissions on formatted relative inclusions
Don't offer comments on hard-formatted cards
open_in_full page
fullscreen modal
edit edit
space_dashboard advanced
Multi-edit on non-formatted cards
stop searching content of hard-formatted cards
Create a new formatted cardtype
don't search content of hard-formatted cards
no comment interface on hard-formatted cards
handle sorting of hard-formatted cards
be consistent about text, non-text, and formatted cards
improve raw view of content-formatted cards
confused about formatting priorities finding the "matt" in mattcoop from it's content pre-formatting - see the Changes tab: