edit deepest inclusion double-clicked on+discussion
duplicate: only edit double-clicked inclusion
Nope, that's a different bug. Will rename one when renaming works.
--John Abbe.....Thu Dec 04 23:42:36 -0800 2008
aren't they both clicking on an inner card (usually a phrase) and being given an editor for the outer card? Looks like the same thing to me.
--Ethan McCutchen.....Wed Dec 10 12:48:24 -0800 2008
AHA! I figured out what's going on here. You've been using "raw" to make things display inline (as opposed to as blocks, which will tend to appear on a separate line). This is not what raw is for. Raw currently means that content is to appear without a card-slot, which by definition means that we cannot edit it in place, which is why the double clicking is not working.
I think we should try to avoid using raw wherever possible. We may want content view to default to displaying inline - I'll play with that. In the meantime, there is a workaround. Instead of view:raw, try view:content;display:inline.
--Ethan McCutchen.....Fri Dec 12 13:24:33 -0800 2008