existing cards cached as missing+discussion
question: if you delete something, does it stay in cache?
what if you rename a card to a name that was cached as missing?
--Lewis Hoffman.....Wed Jul 16 16:18:01 -0700 2008
verified that at least in simple case:
1. removing a card removes cache
2. rename baz->faz when faz is cached as missing updated appropriately.
--Lewis Hoffman.....Thu Jul 24 17:17:57 -0700 2008
Agreement here was to check into this briefly. I'm not finding any smoking guns, so leaving open but pushing off to future release.
--Lewis Hoffman.....Thu Jul 24 21:00:32 -0700 2008
has this come up recently?
--Ethan McCutchen.....Fri Nov 14 11:18:03 -0800 2008
changed to medium since we can't reproduce it.
--Ethan McCutchen.....Mon Dec 01 13:53:56 -0800 2008