also see integrate submenu look
We love the new look! And would love to extend it further into Wagn.
(John's "less busy" mockup to be uploaded here when that's fixed)
What would multi-edits look like? What about the other tabs?
I remember part of the appeal of the lighter gray being that we could still show the intervening content on the multi-edit cards. I'm inclined to think, though, that we could do something closer to this with the lighter gray -- keeping john's idea of the white submenu --Ethan
--Ethan McCutchen.....Wed Dec 10 13:04:45 -0800 2008
--Ethan McCutchen.....Wed Dec 10 13:06:24 -0800 2008
--John Abbe.....Mon Dec 15 06:36:56 -0800 2008