fix Bold and Italic in Safari+ticket line view

easy step is: don't filter those properties;  need to consider against other ramifications.

I think that Safari is putting styles in spans that we're filtering out.

this is a duplicate of make bold and italics work in Safari.  I'll close that one.


I changed it to "moderate" from "easy", because I don't think we're ok to turn off that filter.  That will mean any old pasted style will make it through, which not only allows for ugly formatting from other sites, which is a real pita to fix, but also makes some very strange things happen when text is pasted from within wagn and in the process lots of important wagn formatting gets moved from class to style.

Notify Andy at ICAH when there is progress. (Ethan from duplicate ticket)

  --John Abbe.....Mon Jun 15 20:56:50 -0700 2009