fix footers of inclusions
Footer text in inclusions is off vertically and horizontally. In Firefox. Safari is okay.
Hover over the footer:
Regarding the automated tests that run on Wagn's code (before any manual testing).
Needed tests
- correct default type for cards added via Pointers with +*options
- ø slot_wrap helper method working (doesn't fit with this round of slot/renderer tests. Will need a helper test session later)
- more tests for pointers, searches, sets, and settings views - see custom cardtype views
- fix "pending" views in slot_spec.rb
- two more builtin tests: *alerts and *account links
- test for add url view is "somewhat meager, since the complete url will vary with testing environment."
- /home is working
Tests+tickets for item
Yes, this is what I had in mind. Then we tag tickets with this card if they expose limitations or problems with testing, then the fixing of the problem is separate from fixing the tests. Does it make sense to have a cardtype for this sort or tag, or is it likely unique? I was looking at the Release cards as a similar "tag card" for tickets. --Gerry
I think keep it this way unless/until it seems like a big plus to separate it.
--John Abbe.....Mon Feb 21 19:46:35 -0800 2011