Hello! Is there a way to set font color in a card? For example, set the color of this word "orange" to orange. I thought I could do this by inserting HTML elements - like "<span style="color: #ffa500;">orange</span>" - but when I saved, the HTML elements were not saved so the color was not changed.
I didnot find any docs about this. Could you please tell me the correct format to change font color? Thanks!
wagn strips most of the inline styling like this, which is vital for making it possible to cut and paste without getting unwanted styling. The easiest way to get past that is to add a class that starts with "w-" and then edit *css. Eg if you add <span class="w-highlight">, it should not get stripped and you should be able to set colors via css.
I see. That's a good way. Thank you for your help!
--evanyw.....Wed Mar 09 10:11:31 -0800 2011
no problem. out of curiosity, where did you look to try to find this documentation? (Trying to figure out where to add it)
--Ethan McCutchen.....Wed Mar 09 10:15:02 -0800 2011
First, I go through each cards in Docs on the right nev. without luck. Then I searched with key words "font color", "character color", but still did not find a card about this.
--evanyw.....Wed Mar 09 10:19:08 -0800 2011