import via email



I'm managing content (and Wagneering) on a project where I'm getting regular emails with proposed items for content. It would smooth my workflow if I could give out an email address which would take any email sent to it and add it to the Wagn.


Receive email at Wagn Bot's address.


If "*import email to" does not exist, add each email as a card named with the Subject line. If a second email comes with the same subject (or Re:), append with hr? (Even HTML cards?) Could autoname subject+1, subject+2...


If "*import email to" (Pointer) does exist, add emails to a card whose name has what "*import email to" points to as its left, and the subject as its right. When "*import email to" has cards added to it, if they don't exist add them, with



Would be nice to strip headers (except Date, From, ?). Could store the stripped ones in |receiving card's name|+*headers.


Default to Basic cardtype, use HTML if the message is in HTML. Will redundant html/head tags be a problem?


Only accept emails from addresses listed at Wagn Bot+*self+*whitelist (PlainText).



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