upgrade Footer's "Cards: ..." to a single interface to all kinds of related cards, e.g.:
combine with Related tab?
This is still fuzzy.
On hover over open/close icon, popup label shows:
original author, creation date
last editor, date/time of last edit
# total edits
Move "Last Editor" in card footers to right corner, if we come up with anoter good way to watch (show who's watching).
bump up size of font in footer
moving to low because currently ill formed.
Hover text could include name of card, or even "click to open/close bold-name-of-card", as the top line.
--John Abbe.....Thu Jan 05 18:08:32 -0800 2012
this is pretty out of date. I think anything not yet done is covered elsewhere. closing.
--Ethan McCutchen.....2013-04-03 19:24:36 +0000
improve interface to more card metadata+discussed in support tickets
improve interface to more card metadata+relevant user stories