On fortzed, I was hoping to use one cardtype and email config for emailing Pack Leaders, Rangers, or Pack Members, and maybe even the same one for emails to roles in a given territory. So far I'm thinking that means autofilled content from a link going in a +to field in the triggering card's form. Which in turn has to be referenced by the +*to in the email config, which I can't see how to make work without allowing inclusions in Pointers.
doesn't work, but seems like it almost could: http://test.dwagn.org/wagn/inclusion_in_a_Pointer
Another approach I thought of was to make the +*to a Search:
{"left": "_self", "right": "to"}
...and that seems to work! (For the simple case of John Abbe+*email.)
inclusions in pointers make no sense to me. Pointers are just interface to references, and I don't even know what it would mean to handle references to references. If it's in a field in the pointer, it's already a reference.
--Ethan McCutchen.....Sun Mar 20 10:21:26 -0700 2011
In this case I don't need it, so I have almost no oomph to get this to happen.
That said, the issue here seems like an answer your question of what this means. I had {{+to}} in the +*default, and I'm guessing that sort of thing would be the most common usage, pointing to things relative to the card being created (probably more typically _left+something).
If I recall correctly, inclusions inside inclusions are impossible with our current rendering approach, so if we're still planning to store Pointer items as inclusions this is obviously a non-starter. Seems like the Search solution here should always work in such cases anyway.
--John Abbe.....Sun Mar 20 19:20:30 -0700 2011
you can do _self+to (or just +to) without the brackets.
--Ethan McCutchen.....Mon Mar 21 11:45:44 -0700 2011
--John Abbe.....Mon Mar 21 15:49:53 -0700 2011