Wondering why this http://www.wagn.org/new/Support_Ticket?_example=tada works, but http://grouppatternlanguage.org/new/captioned_image?_caption=Storytelling does not.
weird. don't see why that's not working.
ok, figured it out. *content had "_self+caption" instead of just "+caption".
--Ethan McCutchen.....Tue May 18 15:31:24 -0700 2010
fixed that instance. not really excited about making it work for _self. I really think of it as _caption being a pretty literal substitute for +caption (which is what it is in the code). If we were going to go much more general than that, we might have to think about some sort of url-friendly set shorthand...
--Ethan McCutchen.....Tue May 18 15:33:44 -0700 2010
Thanks for figuring that out so quickly.
--John Abbe.....Tue May 18 22:35:55 -0700 2010