not sure I'm seeing what you're seeing. looks like it's on the same line to me. Can you reload and send a screenshot if you're still having the problem?
sure enough, looks okay to me now
note that changes to CSS cards don't take effect immediately unless you're using something like "?style=(your skin name)" or "?debug=style". this is so that you can develop styles without screwing up your site.
to make the change take effect you have to re-save the style rule. My plan is that soon we'll make it so that saving a CSS / SCSS / Skin card will prompt you with an option to update the impacted style rules.
Sounds good. How long does it take for Wagn to start using the new CSS if you don't edit the style rule?
forever :). What happens is that when the style rule is saved, it compiles, concatenates, and compresses all the stylesheets and stores them as a file (a +file card on the style rule card, eg *all+*style+file). That file is a standard File card and has all the power / api / optimization of any file. But it only gets regenerated when it's regenerated.
This is by design; it's a very good thing that you can test and tweak CSS without having it impact the whole site. But I do think we need the prompting I mention to make it really friendly.
prompt for immediate update when editing skin-related cards