macaddr gem does not work on NetBSD 5.01

Support Ticket


Installed Wagn 1.3.0 by source download from RubyForge

The first time running ./script/server I received the following error:

RuntimeError (all of /sbin/ifconfig /bin/ifconfig ifconfig ipconfig /all failed):

  macaddr (1.0.0) [v] lib/macaddr.rb:49:in `addr'

  • NetBSD/i386 5.0.1
  • Ruby 1.8.7
  • Rails 2.3.4
  • Edit wagn/vendor/gems/macaddr-1.0.0/lib/macaddr.rb
  • Add '/sbin/ipconfig -a' in the cmds list on line 39


cool.  This means you knocked it out, right?

Yes, it works, thank you. This ticket was just a heads up for possible commit to the distribution.

  --Michael Taylor.....Tue Feb 16 15:19:35 -0800 2010