more on prerequisites

  1. Ruby on Rails - assuming Ruby is installed, use gem, e.g.:
    sudo gem install -v 1.2.4 rails
  2. MySQL:
    add mysql to your path, e.g. by adding this to your shell startup script:
    1. On Macs, make sure to install both packages in the installer, then logout and login to start MySQL.
  3. JSON - assumig Ruby is installed, use gem, e.g.:
    sudo gem install json
    If that doesn't work, try:
    sudo gem install json_pure
  4. cached_model - also via gem: sudo gem install cached_model
    (this will also install memcache-client and several other gems)
  1. ruby-openid - once again: sudo gem install ruby-openid
  2. For Subversion on Macs, three options are offered. If you're not sure which to choose, we recommend "Installation from a .dmg"
    Or there's an even more recent version available [here][].
  3. Mail server - if you don't have one on your machine, you can tell Wagn to use another mail server by adding something like this to wagn.rb (which you'll be editing anyway, see below):
    ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings = {
    :address => "",
    :user_name => "...",
    :password => "...",
    :domain => "",
    :authentication => :login
    If you don't need authentication, you can skip the last four(?) lines in the squiggly brackets.