move most configuration options into cards+solution


  1. Suggest the following additional cards:
    • *css -- replaces local.css √√
    • *title -- replaces wagn.rb site_name config  √√
  2. The most obvious rule breakers are the system setting cards. Our fix should probably also address the other emails needed to move from wagn.rb. I propose:
    • *invite, which includes
      • +*subject - default subject for invitation emails √√
      • +*message - default √√
      • +*from - whom invitation emails come from (if not set, then from current user.  Note, same address would be used for all the account info emails - invites, forgot password, add account to card...) √√
      • +*thanks - card where you go after successfully inviting someone √√
    • *signup, which includes
      • +*to - whom to mail notification of signup / request √√
      • +*from -  if not set email is from person who signed up√√
      • +*thanks - card where you go after signup√√
      • +*message - sent out after successful automatic registration√√
      • +*subject - subject for that message√√
  3. sample_wagn.rb should have only the remaining options that can only be configured - and each should be documented. This is the first experience that most people have of Wagn code. For some the only experience!