new syntax for escaping+discussion
I see value in being able to make text monospaced (again, for documentation)
--John Abbe.....Mon Mar 10 15:15:25 PDT 2008
The inclusion and the links provide slightly different challenges. If, for any given card, the double ['s make it past initial rendering and into the cache, your work on links is done. On the other hand, if your double {'s make it past initial rendering, then the inclusions will still get rendered. So I think ['s should be handled pre-cache, and {'s should be handled post.
--Ethan McCutchen.....Tue Sep 16 13:11:01 -0700 2008
duplicate of Escaping for links and inclusion. closing
--Ethan McCutchen.....Wed Dec 10 15:33:30 -0800 2008