recently changed priority
show more items in Pointer closed view+priority
delete Cardtypes with just one delete+priority
ignore quotations when creating inclusions+priority
apply soft form when changing existing card type+priority
apply new type permissions if untouched+priority
ignore double-click in comment box+priority
open_in_full page
fullscreen modal
edit edit
space_dashboard advanced
way to generate lists of account emails+priority
fix config subtab of plus-*rform cards+priority
drop unnecessary tables and fields+priority
make append work with found_by+priority
give appropriate message when user is blocked+priority
optimize renaming+priority
don't redirect after creating cards w xtion marks in name+priority
refactor card class structure+priority
Set up
disallow card creation if no edit permission+priority
remove extra horizontal space in tinyMCE menus+priority
update manual in-Wagn links when renaming+priority
respect view after editing titled Pointers+priority
Error on creating card with name of denied request+priority