recently changed priority
stop finding star-right inaccurately+priority
fix going to View after Save as current+priority
duplicate limit functionality with paging+priority
shift limit to mean total cards returned+priority
disentangle admin cards from coded cards+priority
inclusion syntax for default types on Pointer-created cards+priority
handle time and layout in Dates+priority
add setting to default to editing autosaved+priority
add alert for autosaved version on edit+priority
automatically watch cards you add or edit+priority
allow contextual names in thank you messages+priority
let plus-*thanks cards be Pointers+priority
fix inclusion followed by bare link+priority
make basic functions work with JavaScript off+priority
don't offer to edit cards overriden by a virtual card+priority
handle long URLs in named links+priority
offer a Wagny way to have images in forms in edit mode+priority
optimize diffing in history+priority
separate default type from autocomplete in Pointers+priority
change *content to *form+priority