recently changed priority
implement watch links as a card+priority
explore alternatives to TinyMCE+priority
offer multiple markups in addition to GUI+priority
automatically watch your account card+priority
add a mechanism to reenable migration for edited card+priority
change data of file and image cards to URL+priority
implement recent changes as a card+priority
add setting to default to editing inclusions+priority
move account info into cards+priority
add new :editor view+priority
move pointer item editor to JavaScript+priority
make Wagn work with Rails 3+priority
only show editable inclusions in multi-edit+priority
make urls in content work within link syntax+priority
ignore the when sorting alphabetically+priority
add url view+priority
support enclosures in feeds+priority
add page icon to multi-edit labels+priority
fix *count in closed view+priority
render absolute inclusions in forms+priority