recently changed status
add a way for title in titled view to be a link+status
add style-level screening to clean_html!+status
stop showing left if title is already shown+status
add structure directive to inclusions+status
build table of rules for each setting+status
build table of rules for each role+status
add labeled view+status
fix memory leak+status
make role changes take effect immediately+status
remove unnecessary type dropdowns from rule editor+status
delete trashed files when emptying trash+status
retain GET query when signing in+status
accept labelled as well as labeled+status
add configuration of site time zone+status
recognize more valid email addresses+status
use related view for account and roles interface+status
improve rule navigation+status
make advanced...related go to first item in submenu+status
give users control over frequency of emails+status
show raw text of HTML on HTML cards in history view+status