rename config subtab to watchers



The only thing left on the "config" subtab under Related is the watchers of the card are, and we think we can get rid of that.




I think we may actually be able to wagneer our way out of this tab (and put it on the "community" tab).  It's kind of a fun challenge.


All we need is slightly different help instructions on Cardtype cards than we have on non-cardtype cards.  I actually just noticed that our instructions are wack -- the ones I sent you actually read like cardtype instructions for both.


In order to do that, we could include "_left+watcher instructions" on the community tab, and then have a "watcher instructions+*right" and a "Cardtype+watcher instructions+*type plus right" to configure the two.


This sounds better to me than a separate watcher tab.  What do you think?


  --John Abbe.....Thu Jan 20 01:12:34 -0800 2011

Done. See and and remove config subtab

  --John Abbe.....Thu Jan 20 01:46:15 -0800 2011