search+*type+by name
Search : {"referred_to_by":{"left":"_LL"},
"included_by":"Syntax Reference"
email addresses+*right+*structure
Search : {"found_by": "_left", "plus": "email",
"sort": "name",
"append": "email"}
handle sorting of hard-formatted cards+example
anything closed tagged with+*right+*structure
Search : {"plus": ["status", {"refer_to": "closed"} ],
"right_plus": ["tag", {"refer_to": "_left"} ]
Documentation Ticket+status+*type plus right+*content options
{"name": ["in", "open", "in progress", "closed"] }
re+*right+*content options
{"type": ["in", "Deck", "Lead", "Idea","Ticket","Document...
John Abbe+right
tickets needing design+*right+*structure
Search : {"type": "Ticket",
"right_plus": ["tag", {"refer_to": "Design"} ],
"plus": ["tag", {"refer_to": "_left"} ]
Scott Keeler+
virtual search that finds enclosing card+*right+*structure
Search : {"plus": ["capitano", {"refer_to": "_left"} ] }
How To+references
reference test+Search
testing+*right+*content options
ideas for item+*right+*structure
Search : {"type": "Idea",
"plus": ["tag", {"refer_to": "_left"} ]
User Story+tag+*type plus right+*content options
{"or": { "and": {"type": ["in","Ticket","Idea"],
*cc+*right+*content options
{ "right_plus":{"codename":"account"} }
*script+*right+*content options
{"type":["in", "JavaScript", "CoffeeScript"] }
Search : {"found_by": "_left", "append": "ticket tag summary", "view": "content"}
dev tickets tagged with+*right+*structure
Search : {"type": "Ticket",
"plus": ["tag", {"refer_to": "_left"} ],
"not": {"plus": ["status", {"content": "closed"} ] }