Hello there, 


I'm a planner at a digital agency in London, and am looking to organise all of the Agency's information in a simple, easy to use location. I am doing this as I am the most often asked where everything lives on the network, what work we've done, what stats we have etc. There must be an easier way than having all this knowledge in people's heads.


I would like to understand more about WAGN and what it can do in terms of creating a simple visual interface for all our manifold documents, presentations etc. Something for which we can create a simpl yet robust taxonomy so that information is never more than a click away...


Does this sound like a job for WAGN?

let me know know!




Hi Steven,


I was just looking through user cards on Wagn.org and saw yours.  I apologize for never having replied, particularly because it looks like your project may have been a good fit for Wagn.


My guess is that you've moved on to other technologies by now, but I'd love to help if I can.

