submitting an email testimony


We're largely trying to reproduce this in Wagn:


The idea is that you have a basic form inside a page, and when you submit it, it saves a record of those details and sends off an email to a pre-set recipient.

Tag with the Ticket, Idea, Blueprint and/or Deck it's relevant to:



Here's the representation I expect for this:


The interface is basically the look of a new "Testimony" card.  So I suppose there needs to be a way for a new card that already has name (autoname) and type(Testimony) information to have just the core editor interface?


Testimony cards have the following (see the link):

  • first name, last name
  • address and phone stuff
  • email
  • testimony content
  • the stance that they're associated with.  We probably don't want this visible, but we may have to start with it that way?  may just use css to get around this one for now??

Then there should also be an Email card with the following information:

  • *to needs to be able to come from a search.  I'm not sure exactly what the relationship is yet, but basically testimonies are associated with stances, and stances are either associated directly with people to notify, or that comes from their association with a Bill
  • *subject -- not sure yet.  autogenerated?
  • *from -- needs to come from _self+email
  • *bcc -- probably want to just set this directly as a default
  • *message -- this pretty definitely needs to include the testimony, but probably some other content, too.


  1. how do we set and hide the stance association?
  2. we can't do required plus cards yet.  where and how do we catch problems?