trying to use wagn, need help with pointers

Support Ticket


sorry to say i cannot figure out how to do this by reading the documentation


hoping someone will show up on IRC to help me and/or documentation will be improved with more examples


not sure if there is a better, discussion-like space to ask these questions.


creating relationships via pointers is admittedly not most discoverable process at the moment. I'm not totally clear from your question what you're shooting for, but happy to chat on #irc, I'll be on most of the next couple days.

  --Lewis Hoffman.....Thu Dec 31 08:47:49 -0800 2009

I don't know if it's 'better', but there is also the wagneer mailing lists.


I will also be online more now that i am done driving x-country.

  --John Abbe.....Thu Dec 31 17:56:04 -0800 2009