• You can separate very long lines contained in quotes by putting an endquote and starting a new line with a plus and opening the quote again. We use this trick in our *tinyMCE card to keep theme_advanced_buttons1 and extended_valid_elements from running off the right edge of the card:

      "theme": "silver",
      "menubar": "edit view insert format table",
      "plugins": "autoresize code lists hr link autolink table",
      "toolbar1": "formatselect | bold italic strikethrough forecolor backcolor | deckolink nest |   | numlist bullist outdent indent  | removeformat",
      "autoresize_max_height": 500,
  • To format text as monospaced (as you see in the example above), you can add "pre" to theme_advanced_blockformats and "Preformatted" will appear as an option in the Format menu.