After update from 1.11.8 to 1.12.2 the layout is text only

Support Ticket


Hi Ethan,


I have tried to upgrade my instance to the most recent 1.12.2.  After reading the notes I still can't make anything out of it.  I'm getting everything in text for nothing is formated as "cards".   How can one debug such a problem?


My question is, is there a way to reset wagn to a default look?  I have tried to change the *css to a "default" like one, but that did not change anything at all.


Thank you for any hints




Hi Patrik,


The problem is the upgrade to the new Skin system. Here's where I would start:


1. try setting the *all+*style rule to "classic skin"

2. the ?debug=skin trick there will likely tell you something valuable

3. see if there's any CSS in your *css card that is breaking the compilation.

--Ethan McCutchen.....2013-10-12 03:50:31 +0000

Great tips. Got issues with the first one. When I tried to access the *all cards I got his error.



error rendering *all

Error message (visible to admin only)

undefined method `s' for nil:NilClass

/home/vedma/web/wagn/lib/card/name.rb:34:in `trait'

/home/vedma/web/wagn/mods/core/sets/all/fetch.rb:161:in `fetch'... etc....


When I checked method trait and maybe you wanted to say trait_name( tag_code ).to_s instead of trait_name( tag_code ).s.


Maybe rspec update would be in order - something like:

describe #trait

is 'returns a string' do

expect(trait(tag_code).is_a?(String)).to be_true






--Tukanos.....2013-10-12 08:26:08 +0000

Did you run your migrations? With rake wagn:migrate?


If trait_name(tag_code) is nil, then there is probably a data problem. I'm guessing this means you have a missing codenamed card (*style, perhaps), presumably one that should be migrated in.



--Ethan McCutchen.....2013-10-12 15:54:31 +0000

see Updating

--Ethan McCutchen.....2013-10-12 15:54:53 +0000

did you get this to work?

--Ethan McCutchen.....2013-10-28 21:38:00 +0000

Not, yet. It is rather tricky... I did not have any news. That was the reason for me not posting anything :).

--Tukanos.....2013-11-01 16:13:22 +0000

Can you confirm that you did run migrations (with rake wagn:migrate, NOT rake db:migrate)? Seems like you might be missing a needed codenamed card.


If you *did* run the migration, can you provide the results of this query : select distinct codename from cards order by codename.

--Ethan McCutchen.....2013-11-01 16:30:14 +0000

The first issue was that during the run of 'rake wagn:migrate' it seems that the connection to the database was lost. So there was only a partial upgrade there. I restored my backup and went back. Then I ran it again so that was done correctly afterwards. However, the issue still remained. I tried to read on the documentation (which is great btw. :) ) and did not find anything useful. I went back to the log only thing I found suspicious was these lines

"Rendered text template (0.0ms)

Completed 403 Forbidden in 296ms (Views: 1.6ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)". To me it looks like there is an access issue somewhere.


The select gives me this result:


Edit Delete NULL

Edit Delete account

Edit Delete account_links

Edit Delete account_request

Edit Delete accountable

Edit Delete add_help

Edit Delete administrator

Edit Delete alerts

Edit Delete all

Edit Delete all_plus

Edit Delete anonymous

Edit Delete anyone

Edit Delete anyone_signed_in

Edit Delete attach

Edit Delete autoname

Edit Delete basic

Edit Delete bcc

Edit Delete by_create

Edit Delete by_name

Edit Delete by_update

Edit Delete captcha

Edit Delete cardtype

Edit Delete cc

Edit Delete children

Edit Delete comment

Edit Delete create

Edit Delete created

Edit Delete css

Edit Delete date

Edit Delete default

--Tukanos.....2013-11-01 16:48:05 +0000

interesting. That looks to be only the beginning of the search results (a-d).


if you're still able to sign in, I would try doing so. It may be worth clearing the cache (going to /admin/clear_cache) and editing / re-saving your *css card if you have one. Then try a hard reload of the webpage.


I'm wondering whether there is a bug that can happen if the first user to load a page doesn't have correct permissions on one of the skin/style/CSS/SCSS cards.

--Ethan McCutchen.....2013-11-01 17:13:26 +0000

I was wondering after your answer if there was something wrong with the query. I'm really sorry, I found out that I had a limit of 30 rows when I did the select (not used to do it via gui). So the result is complete (limit was moved to 1000). I will try what you suggested, thank you for your time!



Celé texty codename Vzestupně

Upravit Odstranit NULL

Upravit Odstranit account

Upravit Odstranit account_links

Upravit Odstranit account_request

Upravit Odstranit accountable

Upravit Odstranit add_help

Upravit Odstranit administrator

Upravit Odstranit alerts

Upravit Odstranit all

Upravit Odstranit all_plus

Upravit Odstranit anonymous

Upravit Odstranit anyone

Upravit Odstranit anyone_signed_in

Upravit Odstranit attach

Upravit Odstranit autoname

Upravit Odstranit basic

Upravit Odstranit bcc

Upravit Odstranit by_create

Upravit Odstranit by_name

Upravit Odstranit by_update

Upravit Odstranit captcha

Upravit Odstranit cardtype

Upravit Odstranit cc

Upravit Odstranit children

Upravit Odstranit comment

Upravit Odstranit create

Upravit Odstranit created

Upravit Odstranit css

Upravit Odstranit date

Upravit Odstranit default

Upravit Odstranit delete

Upravit Odstranit discussion

Upravit Odstranit double_click

Upravit Odstranit edited

Upravit Odstranit editors

Upravit Odstranit email

Upravit Odstranit favicon

Upravit Odstranit file

Upravit Odstranit foot

Upravit Odstranit from

Upravit Odstranit head

Upravit Odstranit help

Upravit Odstranit home

Upravit Odstranit html

Upravit Odstranit image

Upravit Odstranit included_by

Upravit Odstranit includes

Upravit Odstranit input

Upravit Odstranit invite

Upravit Odstranit layout

Upravit Odstranit layout_type

Upravit Odstranit linked_to_by

Upravit Odstranit links_to

Upravit Odstranit logo

Upravit Odstranit mates

Upravit Odstranit navbox

Upravit Odstranit now

Upravit Odstranit number

Upravit Odstranit options

Upravit Odstranit options_label

Upravit Odstranit phrase

Upravit Odstranit plain_text

Upravit Odstranit pointer

Upravit Odstranit read

Upravit Odstranit recent

Upravit Odstranit referred_to_by

Upravit Odstranit refers_to

Upravit Odstranit request

Upravit Odstranit right

Upravit Odstranit role

Upravit Odstranit roles

Upravit Odstranit rstar

Upravit Odstranit scss

Upravit Odstranit search

Upravit Odstranit search_type

Upravit Odstranit self

Upravit Odstranit send

Upravit Odstranit set

Upravit Odstranit setting

Upravit Odstranit signup

Upravit Odstranit skin

Upravit Odstranit star

Upravit Odstranit structure

Upravit Odstranit style

Upravit Odstranit style_functional

Upravit Odstranit style_jquery_ui_smoothness

Upravit Odstranit style_standard

Upravit Odstranit subject

Upravit Odstranit table_of_contents

Upravit Odstranit thanks

Upravit Odstranit tiny_mce

Upravit Odstranit title

Upravit Odstranit to

Upravit Odstranit toggle

Upravit Odstranit type

Upravit Odstranit type_plus_right

Upravit Odstranit update

Upravit Odstranit user

Upravit Odstranit version

Upravit Odstranit wagn_bot

codename Vzestupně

Upravit Odstranit watchers

Upravit Odstranit when_created

Upravit Odstranit when_last_edited


--Tukanos.....2013-11-01 20:59:16 +0000

thanks for the full results. it does look like the most recent migrations are working.


I do think it's an issue of getting your compressed CSS to generate. If the above suggestions don't work, please try editing *all+*style and setting it to "classic skin". If that works, the issue may be that there is something funny with your *css card that is breaking the compilation.


just to clarify, I gather that you're no longer seeing the error reported earlier ("undefined method `s' for nil:NilClass")?

--Ethan McCutchen.....2013-11-01 21:24:21 +0000

To answer. The last part: i dont se the error anymore after re-apply of th migration. Im yet to try th suggested fixes. It is late Good night for me. Tak to you later.

--Tukanos.....2013-11-01 22:43:15 +0000

Hi Ethan,


I got busy with work & family and had to postpone the report of the solution of the problem I have reported.


I have read carefully your guidance to the update + your suggestions helped.


The two debug commands help me: ?debug=style & ?style=[skin or stylesheet cardname]. I have used the css that was posted on as an improvement of the classic skin. The issue was that some of the css was not working with the new system of skins. After resetting my setup + clearing the css + setting *all style to classic skin (using also hard reset on the browser) => the system styles back.


Only one question more the login screen remains in text. Is there a separate settings for the welcome screen (where you have to sign-in)?


Thank you very much for your help,





--Tukanos.....2013-11-29 17:08:17 +0000

Hi Patrik,


I don't immediately know why the signin screen would have separate styling. You can go straight to the card named *style to see all the different *style rules that you have. My guess is that you'll only have a *all rule, in which case this rule should apply to the sign-in screen. But if there are multiple rules, you can try updating those as well.


It might be a simpler issue of browser caching. Have you tried a hard reload of the sign-in screen?

--Ethan McCutchen.....2013-12-02 18:26:02 +0000