Hi C.W., i'm not sure why testcss is crashing; i've definitely used CSS beyond floats and had it work in the past. I started a support ticket for it CSS crashing an image inclusion. By the way, you can still edit it by going to http://www.wagn.org/card/edit/testcss
--John Abbe.....Wed Sep 09 10:25:13 -0700 2009
Thanks for the info.
I had no trouble until I added the margin property.
--C.W. Gabel Trefz.....Wed Sep 09 12:06:22 -0700 2009
John, could you see if you can reproduce this on test.dwagn.org and ticket the problem? As a rule, 500 errors will usually need dev tickets.
--Ethan McCutchen.....Mon Dec 07 12:11:28 -0800 2009
OK, figured something out. Spaces after the final semicolon cause the problem. Should be easy to fix now. (Other good news is that the whole page no longer explodes)
--Ethan McCutchen.....Fri Sep 24 13:27:22 -0700 2010
fwiw, actually has nothing to do with css per se :) You can make the same thing happen with any inclusion arg. eg
--Ethan McCutchen.....Fri Sep 24 13:30:10 -0700 2010
Ignore spaces after semicolons in inclusion
--John Abbe.....Fri Sep 24 13:56:28 -0700 2010
Awesome. thanks, John!
--Ethan McCutchen.....Fri Sep 24 14:08:37 -0700 2010