Card creation error

Support Ticket


I created a card named "Oil & Gas+Search for Claims", but something went wrong, the card was not created, but when I want to create it again it says "

Can't save "Oil & Gas+Search for Claim".

name: must be unique-- A card named 'Oil & Gas+Search for Claims' already exists

Whatever went wrong must have caused a caching error.  So it was correctly created in the database but the cache incorrectly thought it was missing.  I clicked "clear the cache" and it fixed this particular problem, but I would certainly like to find the root issue.


Was there anything unusual about the way you created this card?

if i remember correctly, i changed the cardtype to "search", but then too quickly clicked submit (or something else) while it was still processing.

  --Philipp.....Sun Apr 01 02:58:35 +0000 2012

interesting. thanks, that gives me something to try to reproduce!

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Sun Apr 01 03:32:39 +0000 2012