Don't offer comments on hard-formatted cards



On Dahl, the comments box is visible, even though i turned them off on Recipe+*type+*structure. (I had at first turned them on, and when i tried to add a comment got the message saying no comments on hard formatted cards. We shouldn't even allow comments to be turned on for hard formatted cards.)

--John Abbe.....Mon Dec 31 02:03:45 PST 2007


  1. You should no longer have this option on a card that is hard formatted. - done
  2. If a card has comments on and then becomes a hard form, the comments should not render. - moved to its own ticket: no comment interface on hard-formatted cards


Looks like 1. is resolved, but 2. is not. Comment interface still shows up at the bottom here:

Dahl+preparation time


1 cup red lentils
2 cups water

1/2 tablespoon olive oil

1/4 cup coconut milk
1 tablespoon cumin powder
1 tablespoon coriander powder

1 teaspoon turmeric

half an onion

1 tablespoon black mustard seeds

4 cloves garlic

some curry leaves


Rinse the lentils in water and drain them. Repeat until the water remains fairly clear, then drain and add the measured amount of water and put on a high heat. Turn it down to medium high once the water is boiling. Red lentils are fastest, but others are healthier. If you have time, let them soak after cleaning for a while before cooking.


Chop the onion and garlic. (The preparation time is so short because you can do this while the lentils are cooking.)


Set a frying pan on high heat, andafter about half a minute add the oil (coconut oil or ghee will also work of course). Let it heat a bit (but not start smoking), then add the black mustard seeds. They will start popping — cover the pan so that they don't fly out. Once the pace of popping has slowed down, add the onion, garlic and curry leaves. Stir regularly, and when the onions have become somewhat translucent, turn the heat off.


Shortly before the lentils are done, add the coconut milk. When the lentils are soft, but before they've mushed together into a paste, turn the heat off. Add the onions and other spices and mix it all up. Enjoy! Goes well with grains such as rice or quinoa.



All commenting busted for now...

need for cached cards to know whether they are hard formatted.

--Ethan McCutchen.....Mon Jun 02 17:33:06 +0000 2008

I think #1 in the "solution" above is done. #2 is not yet (the check for this is commented out in app/views/card/_view.rhtml)

If memory serves, we just have to make sure that cached cards can do that check in order for this to work.

--Ethan McCutchen.....Thu Jul 03 17:41:04 -0700 2008

The error message when trying to add a comment on Dahl shows up in a very odd place - at the bottom of the included +ingredients card.
--John Abbe.....Mon Dec 31 02:05:15 PST 2007 (this was on a duplicate ticket)

--John Abbe.....Sun Jul 06 20:25:36 -0700 2008