Error preventing viewing AK card+discussion
Somehow your users data's gotten screwy. It looks like you changed "Anonymous" from a User to a role in August. That's going to break stuff.
In this case, it was trying to render the "last edited" user in the footer, which should be anonymous. but since anonymous isn't a user any more, there's no way to find it.
--Ethan McCutchen.....Mon Dec 06 15:22:30 -0800 2010
Thanks for looking at this. I don't recall doing that, and can't imagine why I would've. Anyway, will changing it back to being a Role fix it? If not, what can I do?
--John Abbe.....Mon Dec 06 16:40:32 -0800 2010
You'll need to change it back to being a User, but that alone probably wont fix it. I'll need to do something in the db.
--Ethan McCutchen.....Mon Dec 06 17:02:54 -0800 2010
Ugh, sorry about this, though as I said I can't imagine I would've made that change. Perhaps not relevant, but I have a vague memory that there was a time in the past when Anonymous was a Role on all Wagns - if so, is it possible it never got switched over on my Wagn?
--John Abbe.....Mon Dec 06 17:16:02 -0800 2010
no, you can tell from the data this was a more recent change.
--Ethan McCutchen.....Mon Dec 06 17:26:07 -0800 2010
from the look of things you did it when you were working on a "signin_link" card. I think it's fixed now.
--Ethan McCutchen.....Mon Dec 06 17:45:11 -0800 2010
Thx again.
--John Abbe.....Mon Dec 06 18:43:57 -0800 2010