File size upload issue+discussion

Good of you to post the trace, but, man, this trace doesn't say a ton to me.


I'm curious as to what error we might get without hoptoad.  The 1.6 release is in its final stages and can be downloaded now in the develop branch.  If you're feeling bold, you might try installing that and excluding hoptoad.  It's a fairly involved upgrade, though, so be sure to read the notes on Wagn 1.6 if you try this.


I don't have a great reason to think that would work, except that the issue may just be that some part of wagn is timing out before you can finish the upload, and this hoptoad module -- which is totally unnecessary for most users -- seems like a reasonable culprit given the trace.

any luck tracking this down?

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Thu May 19 12:15:29 -0700 2011

The issue is that Wagn set a 5MB upload max. In wagn 1.8, this will become configurable and will have better error handling.

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Thu Dec 01 11:48:53 -0800 2011