Font rendering is off

Support Ticket


Am I supposed to have reload anything with 1.13 to get fonts to render right? It's getting the right font family, I think?, but not the right weight. Just reloading the site doesn't do anything.


Hmm. Try editing *all+*style and resaving? There's a bug there that will be fixed in 1.13.1.

--Ethan McCutchen.....2014-09-11 21:47:47 +0000

*all+*style is just a pointer card, yeah? It only contains a pointer to customized classic skin. I did edit and resave, but nothing changed. I can live the fonts until the 1.13.1. Unless the bug you fixed wouldn't fix this...

--Lora Friedenthal.....2014-09-11 23:48:24 +0000

Fonts still don't look right, btw.

--Lora Friedenthal.....2014-12-02 15:29:34 +0000