Wagn is not ready for Rails 3.0 yet. I'm running 2.3.5


Also make sure you initialize and update the git submodules

OK. Clarified my doubts. I'll try other way of build what I want. Thank you very much.

  --Fernando Bezerra Santa Rosa.....Sun Jan 02 12:51:29 -0800 2011

I apologize that the windows installation is still difficult. It's a high priority for us to address that. Thanks for letting us know about the issues you're seeing!


- Ethan

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Thu Jan 06 10:02:02 -0800 2011

Does Slavic's new code handle this? Should we ticket ease installation on Windows and tag it 1.5+3?

  --John Abbe.....Sun Feb 20 17:35:34 -0800 2011

I also have this problem Ruby 1.9.2 on Windows 7. Is there a fix or workaround for this?

  --Carlos S (Not signed in).....Mon Apr 11 19:34:04 -0700 2011

I don't think we've got a working fix yet. I don't have that environment available to me yet, but the first thing I would try is going to lib/tasks/generate_fixtures.rake and changing


require 'lib/util/card_builder.rb'




require "#{RAILS_ROOT}/lib/util/card_builder.rb"

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Mon Apr 11 19:41:20 -0700 2011