Oops! I tried more than the maximum number

Support Ticket


I created a basic card that contains some boiler plate text that I want included on a bunch of cards. When I list all of those cards at once many of them display the text "Oops! I tried more than the maximum number of times to render this card"


(I created this and made it visible only to Administrators) --John Abbe


The included card is http://thefarmschool.wagn.org/learn_more_subtopics. Its included in all my topic cards via the http://thefarmschool.wagn.org/topics+*type+*content type card.


This is an unfortunate side-effect of code that prevents infinite looping — we show the "Oops!" text after the same card is included more than five or so times. Can't think of a good workaround.


Would a reasonable fix be to make rendering limits catch recursions only ?


  --John Abbe.....Sun Aug 22 11:49:50 -0700 2010

The text is rendering even on the closed sub-topics. Easiest workaround would probably be to make sure that this inclusion is low enough on the topic cards so that it doesn't appear in closed view.


probably do want to make sure the recursion checking is actually only finding recursions. Might also be possible to optimize such that non-relative inclusions on a form are only rendered once (though for permissions reasons they can't be cached with the form...)

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Tue Aug 24 09:25:53 -0700 2010

Hey Ethan, good work around except that the text needs to be where it is... no biggy for now....

  --Peter Kindfield.....Tue Aug 24 09:36:53 -0700 2010

you could add some invisible content (like a bunch of   's) to the form and it would change the way closed cards look without changing the way open ones do...

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Tue Aug 24 15:13:39 -0700 2010

Or, for that matter, you could put that content directly on the form...

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Tue Aug 24 15:13:58 -0700 2010

Thanks so much. That solves it for me.

  --Peter Kindfield.....Wed Aug 25 15:35:52 -0700 2010