Pointer save slow and not going to View


When i add a new card to a Pointer and click Save, and it takes a long time to finish. Sometimes it doesn't go back to View mode.



Try it with +taglist above.


I'm not sure whether this is what is meant by "not going to view,"  but I do think sometimes it comes back with the wrong item view -- could it be that "item" is not being stored in the caching?  Seems like it should, since the same card might be transcluded from two different places with two different item settings...

Also wanted to send it over to you since there are optimization questions at hand...

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Sun May 25 22:32:59 +0000 2008

pointer should be returning to the correct item view after save now. I haven't seen places where it's super slow. If there are outstanding issues here, let's clarify them..

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Tue Jun 03 10:58:27 -0700 2008