Put focus where expected+ticket line view

  • On Sign Up and Invite a Friend, start in Name text box.
  • On New card page, start in "card name" box (or if it's pre-populated, content text box).
  • In card name editor, start with current name in card name text box selected.
  • In card type editor, start with menu of types already open (as if you had clicked on it).
  • When editing a card, start in the "right" place for its type:
    • Rich/PlainText/Phrase/Number/Currency/Percentage in the text box
    • Pointers in multiselect: picker control is active; list: cursor in the first text box (and whenever you click "add card" put the cursor in the newly created text box)
    • Date with pop up editor open and set to... the current date?
    • ...and in multi-edit, start in the "right" place of the first inclusion.
  • more?

Also see place cursor where you double-clicked.


These are based on features that no longer exist, but may again:

  • When connecting to another card, start in the text box where you put the name of the card you're connecting to.
  • In link editor, start in the "reads as" text box (and if possible restrict tabbing to moving between the two text boxes in the editor).


Lew did some work on this.  I don't know how many of those he hit, but I'm interested in a status update and getting this card cleaned up and current.

Nope, nothing implemented as of 0.12.rc1.

  --John Abbe.....Sun Mar 01 01:16:24 -0800 2009

Lew, didn't you start some work on this stuff? Can you update this ticket?

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Mon Mar 02 12:23:38 -0800 2009