Recent Changes of autosaved drafts



Useful when you crash with a bunch of tabs open and may not know what you left unsaved.




interesting. For many reasons auto save / drafts / preview / changes features are up for a redesign. I should try to get those wrapped up into a Blueprint, because we really do need to cohere a lot and this need should be addressed one way or another.


I'm guessing this is NOT how recent changes will normally work, because many would be uncomfortable with the idea that their changes are being advertised to others before they're saved. But we could consider including *your own changes* in recent changes, so long as it reads clearly that these changes aren't public...

--Ethan McCutchen.....2014-02-14 16:41:11 +0000

Yeah by default I wouldn't want RC to show all autosaves, but having some way to see them would be great. Hunh, ideally there would be WQL to easily query which version(s) of any given page or group of pages you wanted.

--John Abbe.....2014-02-14 18:02:30 +0000

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