Search problem in 1.8

Support Ticket


When entering a search string and pressing enter, the address bar changes to "/*search?view=content&_keyword=something"

and the search card shows up, in (seemingly) infinite recursion (see screenshot).

So no search results are displayed.


While auto-completion search, while typing in the search box, seems to function properly.

The wagn git repo is on the develop branch, commit cad520e1b3707d2cd4e61a8d2ba8e74a9498d9b6


have you migrated the database?  the content of the search card should have $keyword in it.

once migrated, can you paste the contents of *search.txt?view=raw

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Thu Jan 26 09:13:41 -0800 2012

I think there may have been an error in the migration. It should be fixed in the latest code, so you could revert the migration and try again, but the easier thing would be to just edit *search and change "_keyword" to "$keyword"

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Thu Jan 26 12:40:09 -0800 2012

Sorry for the late reply, forgot to 'watch' the ticket.


Thanks, indeed, replacing _keyword to $keyword resolved the issue ;-)

The migrations were ran when upgrading, but there was probably an issue indeed.


  --Patrick Roza.....Wed Feb 01 03:15:09 -0800 2012