Sometimes changing type on save

Support Ticket


Add a card of type Book via or and Wagn changes its type to "action items". Adding such a card via works fine.


Perhaps related, attempting to change an existing card's type to Book gets an application error. E.g.


Hoptoad says NoMethodError: undefined method `new' for nil:NilClass


Is 'Book' in use in Wagn code? (wasn't that bug just fixed anyway?)

I think I fixed all this just by deploying the most current code to ang. Peter had spotted these issues on and I wrote and deployed hotfixes without ever getting them onto ang.


This is not the order in which is not the order in which I'm supposed to do things, but I got a little overhurried, and the fact that we're now running continuous integration tests on ang complicates things a little, since deploying at the same time as running the tests slows things down. Normally the order should be:

1. push to develop branch (which runs tests)

2. deploy to ang

3. push to master branch (which also runs tests)

4. deploy to pinz


For what it's worth, the problem had to do with types where the cardtype's name and codename were different. 1.5 introduced a new approach to these which is ultimately a lot cleaner, but I had missed a couple of tweaks.

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Thu Nov 18 12:42:28 -0800 2010