Task steps like the comment function+discussion

It isn't clear exactly what you are asking for here. There are several aspects of comments. First, any card can have the comment box show up on the bottom. That is just a matter of giving the 'comment' permission to users (all logged in users, or even everyone (includes anonymous users), or some other subset using Roles).


The discuss link on the menu (gear) just gives you a link that will put <card>+*discussion inside the card's panel so you can see it and add comments. If this is the kind of thing you are interested in, then you will need to change the code. If you are self-hosting your wagn, that isn't too hard, but there are a number of hurdles if you are using cloud hosting.


If you don't need to change the menu, and it seems maybe you don't based on what you say about "a link below it", there may be some wagneerable solutions. The feature we have that may be closer to what you want is in the way new items are added to a Pointer card. I think it may also require some code extensions to get the kind of user experience you would need.

--Gerry Gleason.....2015-03-01 16:53:22 +0000

So the general idea is "build your own tutorial"?


What if you did something like this:


1. Created a Tutorial type

2. Created a Step type

3. Added a +steps card (pointer) to Tutorial cards's structure


Then you could just edit that +steps card to rearrange the steps or add new ones. Would that be roughly what you're thinking about?

--Ethan McCutchen.....2015-03-02 22:36:58 +0000

I'll try that out. Thanks for the replies.



--Michael Suddes.....2015-03-03 12:52:34 +0000