
After something has been resolved in some way (often by a ticket being created), give it some time (a week?) so that people have a chance to see the resolution, then delete to keep this page from getting too long.

Any preferred sort within each priority? --John
Most recently edited? --Scott, Ethan
User Storied: sort tickets within priority by most recently edited

Would be interesting to allow voting somehow and bump up things everyone wants! Could do this implicitly by tracking how often a card is viewed. --John Abbe
I like this idea, it would be nice to have a community driven way of prioritizing the requests into builds. --Scott, Ethan McCutchen

voting on which Tickets to address next

A ratio Ethan has suggested tracking:

Non-closed High + Medium Priority / Closed

It's not a perfect indicator, since priority is relative, and I'm not sure exactly how to characterize it from a flow perspective, but these are numbers we have handy, so why not? Soon we'll be able to do more sophisticated (and more natural) measures.

Right now we're at
48+124 / 80, or just over 2/1

  --John Abbe.....Thu Sep 18 10:07:38 -0700 2008

To make it a flow thing, we could count only tickets closed over the last four months (or whatever time period).

  --John Abbe.....Thu Sep 18 10:08:33 -0700 2008

now we're at 193 / 110, well under 2/1, but still accumulating.

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Wed Dec 10 12:31:03 -0800 2008

now it's 143/120 :)

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Wed Dec 10 16:37:45 -0800 2008

75/316 =~ 1/4

  --John Abbe.....Mon Jun 15 20:51:11 -0700 2009