Type based forms don't seem to work+discussion

john, this is an old ticket, but could you make sure Gerry knows it has to be "hard" to work? think we might be able to close it then...

Forms can be hard or soft. They default to soft, and there are radio buttons at the top of +*tform (and +*rform) cards when you're editing them that let you switch between the two options. Hard forms completely control the content of cards of that cardtype, and such cards can't be edited. Soft forms set the initial content of cards of that cardtype, but this is partly broken now - see always apply soft form.

--John Abbe.....Thu Sep 18 09:57:27 -0700 2008

Emailing Gerry again to see if this solves it.

  --John Abbe.....Wed Nov 26 18:19:26 -0800 2008