Unified view handling




Rendering slots and transclusion are closely related, and even conflated at times in the code. There are good reasons for that, but some clear separations of responsibility are in order.


The way it actually works most of the time is that you are interacting with a javascript app that is controlling a "slot". That app can fetch different views for the card in the slot, and generally control the view any way it wants without bothering the context it appears in. Now with even layout relying on transclusion processing, anyplace a card is transcluded, a slot is being created at the point of transclusion.


All this is great, but first, not all renderers need any of this. The XML renderer for example. And the second thing is that when they do, we want to give the card designer the ability to customize the controls that appear within the cardslot. I think this is a key concern when you get to designing the new view and controller actions, in fact I think this idea more or less defines that issue.


Why would I need to create a bot?

Bots can automate tasks and perform them much faster than humans. If you have a simple task that you need to perform lots of times (an example might be to add a template to all pages in a category with 1000 pages), then this is a task better suited to a bot than a human.




I'm changing this to an idea for now, because in order to be a blueprint there needs to be a lot of design in place. (I wrote up an overview of what qualifies as a blueprint here.

  --Ethan McCutchen.....2013-02-25 16:15:57 +0000

This is what Gerry and Charley are meshing through.

  --Gerry Gleason.....2013-02-26 05:32:15 +0000

I'm confused as to what you mean by "new view and controller" actions. The primary use cases hinge on the model.


Also, to be clear, the slot is really just an Html renderer concept, and the conflation is not really that bad. there is only a slot when the view defines a "wrap". really, the wrap is the slot (and perhaps it should be renamed to clarify).

  --Ethan McCutchen.....2013-02-26 05:53:00 +0000

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