WQL not showing cards that exist+discussion

Clearing cache didn't help.

The issue is that the tag_id is not getting stored correctly. Not sure why it's happening. No instances on wagn.org, but several on fzc:



  id  | tag_id |                 name                 |
 1940 |        | LJ Houska+about me                   |
 1946 |        | Norm Weaver+about me                 |
 5695 |        | Richard England+about me             |
 2092 |        | Sam Fox+about me                     |
 2149 |        | email list by name+*right            |
 2154 |        | Kristen Rasmussen+about me           |
 2213 |        | Invitation+*type+email config        |
 5780 |        | preferred+*right                     |
 2409 |        | Account Request+*type+email config   |
 3839 |        | tracking summary+*right              |
 3846 |        | hours for list+*right                |
 3826 |        | users who+*right                     |
 3856 |        | entries for user+*right              |
 4676 |        | clark erwin-billones+about me        |
 4785 |        | tate gentile+about me                |
 4884 |        | george davies+about me               |
 5837 |        | Email to everyone+*type+email config |



Maybe when you create A+B+C it's not getting A+B right?


--Ethan McCutchen.....Mon Mar 21 21:05:20 -0700 2011

I fixed them all... (but not the underlying issue)

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Mon Mar 21 21:11:20 -0700 2011

Maybe, but not in all cases certainly, e.g. I created http://test.dwagn.org/wagn/yet_another+card_de_plus+testoramarini without creating any of the pieces first.

  --John Abbe.....Mon Mar 21 21:44:05 -0700 2011

Just created http://fortzed.dwagn.org/wagn/John_Abbe+about_me+MyFortCollins

and it has the same problem

ok, new theory

if: A+B is hard-formatted

and you create A+B+C

then A+B gets created, but the tags are not correctly stored.

so that if you search for {"right":"B"}, you won't get A+B

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Tue Mar 22 12:39:40 -0700 2011

handle card parts when creating previously virtual cards

  --John Abbe.....Tue Mar 22 13:13:01 -0700 2011