Wagn 1.05+2+migrations




http://en.dwagn.org/wagn/watcher_instructions_for_related_tab - self-documents:



Migration to ensure *css is viewable by "anyone"


(Check that that's configured in the bootstrap. The non-private setups on initial permissions will default *css to reasable by anyone; on private it makes sense that they're restricted to auth. --John)


I think they need to be readable to anyone, even on private.  Otherwise, every page must be css-less, even the home page, when you go to sign in, etc...

I built and ran these migrations on ang. I then found an error in the *css migration, so I'm going to test it locally. Re-running migrations is kind of a pain.


Example of above -- permission for *css was restricted on arb's wagn, and that made the site look ridiculous.

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Mon Jan 31 13:57:30 -0800 2011

Makes sense. Added this to private on initial permissions, which I believe should do the trick:

'*css'=> {:read=>:anon}

  --John Abbe.....Mon Jan 31 17:39:37 -0800 2011


  --John Abbe.....Wed Feb 02 20:06:26 -0800 2011