Wagn 1.4+Upgrade Notes
CSS classes have been reworked to be more like sets:
- All cards have the ALL class.
- Cards of a given cardtype used to have a class .type-|original cardtype name| but now have a class .TYPE-|cardtype key|
- Plus cards didn't used to have a unique class, but now have one: .RIGHT-|key of right part|
- In addition, plus cards have a class of the form .TYPE_PLUS_RIGHT-|key of left part's cardtype|-|key of right part|
- Individual cards used to have a class .cardid-|card number|, but now have a class .SELF-|card key|.
A key is the same as a card's name, but all lower case, punctuation replaced with spaces, multiple spaces replaced with a single space, and spaces replaced with underscores. For example, a cardtype "Joe's Blog Entries" would have a key of "joe_s_blog_entries". (this may be described elsewhere better). The way to be sure to get it right is to look in the HTML of a card you want some CSS to apply to, and see what follows 'class="card slot'
*notify+*from no longer specifies the address following emails come from. All system emails come from the email address for the Decko Bot 1 account.